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Our Services
Bruxism or Grinding Splints
Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, most often occurs at night. Generally, stress is the main cause of bruxism. It also can be caused by sleep disorders or by mechanical problems with the teeth, such as missing or broking teeth or a misaligned bite. Sometimes, bruxism or grinding can also lead to headaches and neck aches.
If you think you have been grinding your teeth please tell us so we can pay special attention to signs of damage to the tooth enamel. Many people have bruxism that is mild and doesn’t need a specific treatment, but if the clenching or grinding is severe, a dentist can fit you with a splint to wear at night to protect your teeth and help prevent further damage.
Treatment for bruxism or worn teeth can be from a simple splint or replacing the missing teeth to achieve a balanced bite.